The Ultimate Subwoofer (BD-Design)

by GC, Friday, August 03, 2007, 18:57 (6110 days ago) @ PeterSt.

I agree with everybody ...:yes:

But I want to emphasize that the candle story may be related too much to
the plastic stuff ...
I can show you the (not leight) curtains go 50cm sideways for 20 seconds
because of the port of my sub, and you don't even hear anything (this
would be below 18 Hz or so). This is just Zappa and The Yellow Shark,
fourth track.

This is with normal 1:1 calibrated subs (I mean, no extra gain). I play
somewhat louder than average though ...

Ha ha ha Peter...

You mean your curtains moves +- 25 cm's?? :scared: 18 times per second?

Or are they exposed to air pistol DC? Then be careful with the absolute phase or the curtains end up in your ports and cabs..he he :cool:

What a blowjob :heat:



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