Oris horn and room acoustics (Oris Horns)

by JohnS' @, Monday, November 13, 2006, 00:45 (6387 days ago)

Bert, and others, can you tell me how sensitive the Oris is for room effects? I guess horns are more directional so room effect are less important. Is this right?

My listening/living room is quite big (14.25 by 4.25 by 3.90 meter) and scarcely furnished. Also there are no carpets on the wooden floor. We don't like to change this. Do Oris horns match this kind of, acoustically, not ideal room?

The speakers I use today (Fostex full range + La Scala bass units) don't sound bad at all in the 'hot seat' but for the rest of the room, especially further away from the speakers, the sound is kind of 'fuzzy'.



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