Computer crash... (BD-Design)

by Bert @, Sunday, December 17, 2006, 17:56 (6346 days ago) @ Bert

The PC is working again (only limited installed because it is not running 100% yet!).

This was the worst scenario I have experienced in rebuilding a PC! :shout:

Bougth a new MB with new memory, new video card and an extra HDD (for RAID 0+1).

Replacing the MB, powering the PC and still dead....

Back to the shop where they tried everything I did at home to find the error, after a few hours it turned out that the memory was causing the problem...

Back home, new memory and yes, the PC started. Not fully configured yet because I needed to backup the old HDD's first...

Next day, configuring the hardware (RAID) which worked out well for the first pair of HDD's and installed the MD drivers, Windows....

This takes some time and after the first startup a new error showed, my on-board LAN port was not working.... so no internet connection was possible for a normal install.

Downloaded (other PC) the latest drivers for the MB and installed those (even flashing the BIOS) and still no LAN.... :evil:

I didn't want to go to the shop again to replace the MB and bougth a new network card. Not too expensive and I did have a few not used PCI slots. Within 10 minutes I had a working Internet connection... :heat:

Okay, that worked and I could finish and update Windows install.

Time to install the rest of the hardware... a new error occured! The new HDD was not showing anymore (the one I wanted to use to store install data and as backup drive.....)!!!!

Today I have tried everything to get this one to work properly and even tried to format this under MSDOS. After 100% formatting it still failed, the drive seems to have some problems in the boot sector....

I will need to replace this drive tomorrow (when the shops are open) and see if I can have a working one so that I can finish my other software installations...

The only thing I can do properly now is going on the Internet and using E-mail...

I can't do any administration, no printing, no TV, basically nothing until I am able to organise the PC the way I want it to be (new drive needed!).

Computers.... :tomatos:

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