Extended word list (Forum)

by Bert @, Monday, January 29, 2007, 14:38 (6308 days ago) @ GC

Hi GC,

I havn't noticed anybody swearing or cursing here, except maybe some
verbal harrasments from my side?

Nope, not much indeed but still, this can start someday and then the problem is already solved instead of trying to solve the matter after...

Besides this, it is also good to keep certain names hided, names I do not want to be acccosiated with or published through this forum without threading that message too hard.

I have a list with words that blocks the whole message so that you have no idea which word was wrong and have to guess... (good against SPAM) but aNoying for people who do not have anything illegal in mind. Now I also have a separated list that only replaces the *** word not allowed here.



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