Playing with colors... making art. (BD-Design)

by GC, Tuesday, March 13, 2007, 21:20 (6264 days ago) @ PeterSt.

Hi Mike,

A few mistakes I think :yes: :

Hi Peter

Right on the spot. :pleasantry:

The organic shape (particularly the swings) looks alive.

This is one thing to keep in mind, at judging the next :

Unless you mean that *you* need the WAF (which would semanthically be
correct I think), the main mistake is that the Swing just has.
What it comes to, is that your sentence is correct : as it *will* turn
out, you are the one not having the WAF, because the Swing has a tad too
much of it. Every woman will fall in love with at least one of them.

Let me confess here. My favorit wife, less favorit ones, and all possible wemen passing this territory of surrounding with my SWINGs sculptures. They all say, or sing as a choire: These speakers are much more beautiful than your previous ones.
Am I overlooked? :unhappy:

In case, let it be then.

Btw, I'm serious. As I told elsewhere, the shape has a muscular something
which can't be avoided by a woman. The indeed organic looks make them feel
in love. Trust me. :heat:

What happened there, your place?

I'm having enough trouble getting the gardening done

Hmmm..... anything to do with your fload-on-water tweak? :grin:

Then that is the place where you have the design wrong !


GC :cool:


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