New rack (Tweaks)

by madprofessor ⌂, 27777 Ganderkesee, Germany, Sunday, May 17, 2009, 10:29 (5466 days ago)

I just completed my new rack:
The basic frame ( the dark blue structure) ist made of stainless steel V4A profiles, 10 x 10 cm 5 mm thick. All that structure is filled with a mix of sand, copper shot and lead. The basic structure has rollers for easy positioning. When in place there are 4 adjustable spikes to lift the rack and adjust it.
All the boards are, by means of a winch-mechanismn hight adjustable. Each boards hangs on 4 stainles steel wires. Each two of them are fixed to a stainless steel bar. Than the boards are connected by polymere-dampers.
Each board is a compound of top and bottom layers of alloy foam. The middle layer is of multiplex and damping material. Each board is 45 mm thick.
By that dimensions it also shields the magnetic component of 50 Hz more than 85 %.
The steel wires are also damped ( the black "worms") to avoid any kind of resonance.
The complete structure is connected to ground (earth) All boards have separate ground wires. Total weight ( empty) is about 350 kg, which makes this piece of equipment more or less theft-proof!
It was much more work to adjust everything, than expected, but sonically it´s worth the effort!
Best regards

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