Room EQ (Tweaks)

by Don Reid, Rural Northwest Georgia, USA, Monday, April 26, 2010, 01:59 (5122 days ago) @ Bert

"Room EQ (Tweaks)
by Bert , The Netherlands, Tuesday, April 13, 2010, 11:17 (13 days ago)
Being dragged into this once more and playing around yesterday at a friends place to EQ his system I found out that I was wasting my time least the part where room conditions were playing their role.
What I have learned (in the past) and got confirmed again yesterday is that trying to cure room problems with an electronical device does not work on the long run..."

Hey Bert,

You failed to mention which electronic device you attempted to use for room EQ. I feel this is highly relevant because using the DEQX HDP-3 the results I have acheived are the opposite of those you report. Both by instrument measurement (19Hz-20kHz plus or minus less than 4dB in room at the listening position) and from subjective music listening by me as well as by younger audiophiles with better hearing I deem the results to be highly satisfactory.

I sacrificed about 8dB of woofer horn sensitivity in order to make the EQ all subtractive (pulling down peaks) as opposed to additive. That is no problem since the sensitivity of the bass horns started out at 105dB/w/m and they are powered by a 500 watt/channel (@ 4 ohms) amplifier.

I believe that acoustical treatment of the room is quite important because that enables the digital EQ to work best. I take a digital signal from the disc player to a digital input on the DEQX so there is only one D to A transformation. This is, of course, not the case with phonograph or tape signals.

I am not alone in this opinion. Consider that the famous speaker designer, Alon Wolfe, prefers the sound of his $400,000.00 Magico Ultimate horn system with a modified DEQX crossover and time frequency and phase correction.

Don Reid

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