recommanded amp for bass speakers (Tweaks)

by Jeroen, Sunday, February 09, 2020, 10:16 (1544 days ago)

Dear all,

Does anyone has got a suggestion for a good sounding amp voor the bass section?
I'm using hypex plate amps Bert tuned for me a couple of years ago. Altough the (bass) speakers measure quite well I do miss power in the bass. They sound like there all no bass speakers at all. (which could be a good thing).
Bass speakers are a rip of Bert's famous Sigma speakers. 6 12 inch speakers/side, 80 hz horn, no speaker enclosure at the back.
Orphean horn for mid and high.
Thanks for your input in advance.

Kind Regards,

Mic 500 mm of the speaker

Mic from listen postion


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