Bert ................. Your Opinion (BD-Design)

by Bert @, Wednesday, June 09, 2021, 19:58 (1143 days ago) @ Kevin

Hi Kevin,

In your opinion, what is the best Sounding SET amplifier that you have heard on your Oris Horns?

Wow, that is a long time ago! I have had 300B SET (Border Patrol), 845 SET (Unison Smart) but also OTL and balanced EL34 amps.

All did great! On my full-range path...

These days I play with the Orphean and DIY Gain Clone amps (BD30).


PS only a few 300B or other SET based amps will sound great, a lot of them sound okay too but with too much noise or no good sound at all (sloppy bass and coloured)

BD-Design - Only the Best!

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