Sound differences Orphean/Oris150? (BD-Design)

by alanbrain, Thursday, December 28, 2006, 04:05 (6340 days ago) @ Bert

Hi Bert,

Thanks for your answer.
I had already read that post before. According to that, The Orphean is more cleaner sounding with a better low level information retrieval. And the Oris is more fuzzy romantic.
I can understand that, I assume also that the these are slight differences because the overall performance must be almost very alike with the 2 speakers. But I would like to know what are the subtle/ major if any differences between the sound the 2 drivers deliver through the horn, the BMS and the AER.
I have made a search under Orphean but there isnt a lot of post on this issue. Indeed there are very very few.
Why do you think the orphean is less fatiguing?
Thanks for your time


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