How much longer can you stay silent? (BD-Design)

by GC, Tuesday, May 15, 2007, 19:58 (6200 days ago) @ goon-heaven

Room resonances disappear? Amazing. How that can be possible?

It is not, but it sounds like that. As if you have a 10 times bigger footprint with no room disturbances. Walk arround, sit in the sweet spot, the music is just there everywhere. Gone are the chain. Only music.

We are brewing on a theory, but it's hard to explain.

Let me give it a very very wild shot:

Once the speakers "controls" the room and not opposite, and at the same time act like one piston regardless how many drivers are involved, then the source, which in this case is the latest Vista GC, is lead to an amp like Berts, then everything is a synergy of cutting edge reproduction of what were heard from the michrophones who heard the musicians.

What can I add more? Just words.

I told it has to be experienced.....:yahoo:



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