BMS 4592ND modifications... (BD-Design)

by angeloitacare, Thursday, June 21, 2007, 02:48 (6164 days ago) @ Bert
edited by angeloitacare, Thursday, June 21, 2007, 03:19

If someone would remove the phase plug of the midrange (desoldering the wires at the side and taking it out the back cover - even more easy to do than taking out the tweeter with much less change of damaging things) and try to figure out how the "front" chamber of the midrange really works by following the real wave path then you'll understand why I had to laugh out loud....

1 : 0 for you....

i will probably not be able to compare, as i will instead of this, try out other drivers, soon.
What i actually was wondering, is if its 180 degree wave path curve does not cause distortion, reflexions and turbulences, and if it not will always sound worse, than if the phase plug and wave path would be straight.



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