Nothing will be changed... (BD-Design)

by Bert @, Wednesday, March 07, 2007, 12:17 (6270 days ago) @ PeterSt.

Hi Peter,

Slowly :blush: coming to the point, coincidentally #2 is judged
differently by me than my someone else. So there's a dispute here; #1 is
clear to us both, but #2 seems "not so good" to the other person while I
am very pleased with it. So how to get rid of this subjectiveness, hence
what can be found to make it more absolute, thus independent from taste ?
(mind you, the taste is allowed to remain, but I like to make things good
from theory).

If you are talking about me then you do/should know that I listen to the whole picture as a result. And that is not about taste or being subjective...

Sure, among other things the bass is more tight while then other things show their true nature. Same thing as with the "balls" which you do not seem to like at this moment for the exact same reason...?

Would it be possible to have an alternative filter with less steep (bass)
rolloff, in order to test whether it would again make it better at the low
end. For that matter Bert, it might come to not only appreciate less
warmth, but also to just the absolute sense of less energy at the lower
end. And this might even start at not so low as we think ...

I do not feel the need to change anything to the filter. The amplification of the room is NOT about standing waves, these are extra on top of that at certain frequencies.

What I will do in due time, is setting up a decent measuring environment,
where the player (versions) produce the test tones. I mean, this just can
be measured ...

Cool, then start with that and compare the players with their settings. One thing at the time...



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